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Daily we witness at least one public performance. There are public performances that we forever remain engraved in the memory but there are also some public performances that we forget as soon as they finished. Although public performance can be a free PR, if it is not done well it can be more harmful than helpful. The good news is that public performance can be learned and if you continue to read this article you will find out some tips & tricks for better public performance.


„Know your audience or you will have no audience. „It is important that you understand your subject matter before you start speaking and also to know who you are trying to send a message. Tell your audience why it’s important to listen to you. Think of things your audience can relate to. You should ask them some questions consider to topic or deliver a strong quote to keep them engaged in your speech.


Body language is one of the most important things in public performance. We are communicating a massive amount of information through our body language before we even start do talk. Walk in calmly and think about your posture. Your shoulders should be back and of course you should have a little smile on your face. Do gesture with your arms and hands in a natural way. Don’t forget to look your audience in the eye and please try not to move around. Breath slowly.


Before you start your speech, you should remember that you belong right where you are. Preparing for the speech and public performance and having a back up plan will increase your confidence. Always remember that your main goal is to send a message and to convince people to trust you. Make sure that you feel good and look good because the energy of what you are thinking and feeling will radiate into the audience.


Speaking fast make your listeners work too hard. People draw conclusions about us based on how we speak, write and think…in that order😊 So it’s really important to speak slowly and clearly. Also, fast speaking is a sign of nervousness and a lack of self-confidence.


Always ask someone to take a video of your public performance so that you can analyse it later. It is really important to see where you made mistakes so that you can improve them in your next speech. Take the paper, mark pros and cons of your public performance and practice what was bad for the next one.

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Autor: Ana Pračić

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